You can use the services provided by Secom Trust Systems Co., Ltd.
This application is accessible for users issued by corporations having contracts for the following services provided by SECOM Trust Systems Co., Ltd.Users can report their safety status when they are subject to safety confirmation due to disasters. Also, if the corporation the user belongs to (the corporation that issues the account) has applied to SECOM Trust Systems Co., Ltd. for the use of Push notification for safety confirmation, the user can receive Push notification asking to confirm ones safety.[Target services]SECOM Safety Confirmation ServiceSECOM Emergency Contact ServiceSECOM Emergency Call Out Service* For the usage status of Push notification, please contact the administration department in your company.* For details of the "SECOM Safety Confirmation Service", please check (【Feature Description】(1) Safety reportUsers can report their safety status when they are subject to safety confirmation.(2) Disaster confirmationUsers can browse the list of disasters subject to safety confirmation, and report their safety status from the list.(3) Push notification of safety confirmation (* 1) Users can easily report ones safety status by tapping the received Push notification for safety confirmation.(4) Push notification of administrator function If you are assigned to a group of Push notification for administrators, you can receive a Push notification of administrator function.You can access an administrator menu by tapping and selecting the received Push notification.(* 1) Push notification is accessible for the corporation the user belongs to (the corporation that issues the account) has applied to SECOM Trust Systems Co., Ltd. for the use of Push notification for safety confirmation.Please use this application after confirming the following software license agreement.■Software License Agreement (Japanese)■Software License Agreement (English)軽微な修正を行いました。